Home to Ada Immobiliare Bosa in Sardinia
Our headquarters are based in the city of Bosa. We operate on the western coast of Sardinia where we offer a quick and clear service. We strive to match the needs of people interested in buying properties or just looking to spend a nice holiday close to the beauties of the pure nature of our island.
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How to get to Bosa
From Porto Torres: the ferryboat harbour used by companies such as Tirrenia and Grimaldi is about one hour and a half drive from Bosa. You've got two options: the first one (km 70) is to go through Alghero and makes you enjoy the great view of the coastline to Bosa. This is a bendy road. The second one (km 110) is to take the highway S.S.131 Carlo Felice till the intersection to Bosa near Macomer. This option is smoother but less colourful.
From Alghero (Fertilia): the airport used by Alitalia, Ryanair and other companies, is about one hour drive from Bosa. The way to Bosa (km 52) goes along the great coastline.
From Golfo Aranci: the ferryboat harbour (Ferrovie dello Stato and Corsica-Elba-Sardinia Ferries is about three hours drive from Bosa. The way to Bosa requires to go through Olbia (km 20 from Golfo Aranci), so take a look at the following directions.
From Olbia: the ferryboat harbour (Tirrenia, Moby Lines and Linea dei Golfi) and the airport (used by Meridiana, Volare and other companies) is about two and a half hours drive from Bosa. The simplest way to Bosa requires to take the highway Olbia-Nuoro-Abbasanta till the intersection S.S.131 Carlo Felice. Go north heading to Sassari till the intersection to Bosa near the city of Macomer.
From Arbatax: the ferryboat harbour is about two hours drive from Bosa. The smoothest way to Bosa requires to take the interprovincial Lanusei-Nuoro going through the highway Nuoro-Abbasanta and then at the intersection with the highway S.S.131 Carlo Felice go north heading to Sassari till the intersection to Bosa near the city of Macomer.
From Cagliari: the ferryboat harbour (Tirrenia, Ferrovie dello Stato, Linea dei Golfi, Moby Lines) and the airport used by Alitalia, Meridiana, Volare and lots more is about two hours drive from Bosa. The smoothest way to Bosa (km 170) follows the highway S.S.131 Carlo Felice heading north to Sassari till the intersection to Bosa near the city of Macomer.